How to Never Run Out of Ideas for Blog Posts, Videos, or Podcasts

Blog Introduction:

As a business owner, it’s essential to have a content strategy. Consistent content is key to driving traffic to your website and growing your customer base. But what happens when you’re fresh out of ideas? Or worse – what if you never had any ideas to begin with?

Here are four tips on how to come up with endless ideas for content creation so you can keep your content strategy humming along nicely.

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Tip #1: Keep a Running List of Ideas in a Google Doc or Notebook

This is probably the simplest tip on the list, but it’s also one of the most effective. Get in the habit of jotting down ideas as they come to you – whether you’re in the middle of a meeting, on a walk, or taking a break from work.

Then, when it comes time to sit down and create that content, you’ll have a long list of potential topics to choose from. And if you’re stuck on how to approach a particular topic, this list will give you plenty of options to work with.

Tip #2: Set aside Time Each Week to brainstorm New Ideas

If you don’t already have regular brainstorming sessions built into your schedule, now is the time to start! Set aside 30 minutes each week (or longer, if possible) for an uninterrupted brainstorming session. During this time, anything goes – write down whatever comes to mind, no matter how crazy or far-fetched it may seem.

The goal is simply to generate as many ideas as possible without judgment or self-editing. You can always go back later and weed out the bad ideas; for now, just let the good ones flow.

Tip #3: Pick One Topic and Write Down Every Possible Subtopic

This technique is especially helpful if you find yourself stuck on what to write about next. Simply choose any topic – it can be related to your business or completely unrelated – and write down every possible subtopic that comes to mind. For example, if your chosen topic is “dogs,” some possible subtopics could be “dog breeds,” “training tips,” “grooming tips,” “products for dogs,” “health and nutrition for dogs,” etc.

Once you have a long list of subtopics, it should be easy enough to pick one and run with it. And who knows – you might even come up with some crossover content ideas that could be repurposed for other formats like video or podcasting.

Tip #4: Use Online Tools and Resources

There are plenty of great online tools and resources that can help jumpstart your content creation process. For example, Google Trends is a great way to see which topics are currently trending upward so you can hop on that bandwagon before everyone else does.

Another resource that could come in handy is Quora – a Q&A platform where people ask questions about virtually any topic imaginable (including business-related topics).

Spending some time browsing through popular questions can give you lots of ideas for content that would be useful or interesting to your target audience.


Creating quality content on a regular basis doesn’t have to be difficult or stressful – as long as you have a system in place for coming up with new ideas when needed. Try implementing some (or all!) of the tips above into your content strategy and see how they work for you.

With a little bit of effort and preparation ahead of time, you should never find yourself at a loss for words (or ideas) again!

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